
Identify Song Name by Singing, Playing or Humming - Online Tools - TechMynd

It happens all the time. We forget the name of our favorite song even when we can hum it. Sometimes we may record a short clip of any song being played, in bar or restaurant but can not figure out its name or title. We may have a short clip of any music recorded in our PC but we may not figure out which song it is. Search engines also fail to help in this matter because you need few words or title of the song to get it via Google or Bing. So here is the problem. How do you identify a songorhow do you find out the title of song that you have recorded from somewhere or the song you can hum but can’t remember anything about its name, artist or album?
Good news is, there are websites and mobile apps that can take short clip of any tune, song or even listen to you humming and give you name or title of that song. There are many song recognizers online to help you find your favorite song.
Midomi is one music recognition service that can listen to song/tune from any source (you or speakers) and suggest you name of that song.
Name My TuneandWatZatSongare social networks to identify song name that you don’t know. People will listen your recording or short track to suggest the song name there.
Mobile apps for song recognition are also available.Midomi,musicID,Shazamprovide mobile apps that can listen to music and name the song and artist details.
AudioTagcan take music source from your PC or online resource and identify the song.
MusiPediaandMelodyCatcheroffer virtual keyboard so that music artists can play that tune on that virtual keyboard to identify that tune.

Read more:http://www.techmynd.com/identify-song-title/#ixzz1gKfZpUQw

Origin Url:
Identify Song Name by Singing, Playing or Humming - Online Tools - TechMynd


Ajax Control ToolKit – Style the invalid date for Calendar extender

The September 2011 release introduces “Date ranges” for Calendar extender control. It is a little surprise that the Css classes to style the out of range dates are not listed in the official website.

I did some search on the web but it returns not relevant results. So I decided to have a look at the css style generated by the control itself and I have found the missing style Css classes for the out of range date.

The name is “.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_invalid” and it has four child classes listed below:

.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_invalid .ajax__calendar_day {}
.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_invalid .ajax__calendar_month {}
.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_invalid .ajax__calendar_year {}
.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_invalid .ajax__calendar_today {}

If using the following styles:

.calendar .ajax__calendar_invalid


background-color: #FFFFFF;

text-decoration: line-through;

color: #C0C0C0;

The calendar looks like:


If you need set the day, month and year view individually, you have to set the relevant child class.


How to create ASP.NET Membership database

1. On the SQL server, create an empty database, say "ASPUserDB".

2. Run aspnet_regsql.exe from C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0XXX (or whatever version).

3. Follow the wizard and select the database that has been created in Step 1.


ASP.NET Menu Control rendering problem in Chrome

<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" />

The default layout setting of Menu control will rendering a blank row on top of the menu item which looks like extra padding. This happens to Google Chrome.

To get rid of this, just set SkipLinkText value to ""(empty string):

<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" SkipLinkText="" />

For more details, please read:

ASP.NET Menu Control Accessibility Feature renders incorrectly in Safari and Chrome Browsers.


Bind data to DropDownList in edit template of GridView or DetailsView

This is straight forward. Set the “SelectedValue” attribute for DropDownList control.

Note. The “SelectedValue” is not in the intelligent context menu. It won’t automatic pop-up when you typing, but it does exist.

For example, we display a product in a DetailsView. In edit mode, we want to use a dropdown list to select the type of that product. Assume the type id is used in the product table, the edit template would be like:

<asp:DropDownList  **** DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="typeid" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("typeid") %>'></asp:DropDownList>

This will auto bind the type id to the list and update with the selected id. The update command and parameters are as usual.


Siderite's Blog: Invalid postback or callback argument in ASP.Net 3.5

origin: Siderite's Blog: Invalid postback or callback argument in ASP.Net 3.5

Also, you might get a Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException with code 500 when using Ajax. It usually happends when you click on a button in a GridView or another bound control. You expect it to work, but it doesn't, even if the code is relatively clear.

The answer is (probably) that you are binding the container bound control every time you load the page (instead of only on !IsPostBack). The thing is this used to work in ASP.Net 2.0.

Bottom line: check your binding, see if you are not doing any DataBind in between the button click and the eventual event catch.


NO-FLY-ZONE, NO-VEIL, What’s next? Enjoy your time with hats!

France or should I say Sarkozy has really shown himself on the international stage. Being eager to set up the no-fly-zone, I don’t believe the French care the democracy in Libya that much. If Libya has no oil, it will be ignored as many other countries.

Now it’s really a doubt about the democracy in France itself. The ban of veil is completely under democratic process, which means this presents the respect of liberty. Yes, the premise is that all the women who wearing full veil are forced. The logic is, we are going to help the women who hate wearing veil but were forced to do so. So we ban wearing veil that you all can enjoy your liberty of not wearing it. See? we are so care of you that we establish a law to protect you. So what happen to those who want to wear veils? Do they have right to wear it? I’m sorry, wearing veils is against liberty so you have no liberty to wear them.

Don’t believe this logic? Think terrorist! Why they got arrested and sentenced is because they are dangerous! Why we thrown so many bombs(sorry, missiles) in Libya? It’s because Gaddafi is a dictator. What? Civilian casualties? I’m sorry, Gaddafi is a dictator.

If something/someone is bad, and I’m against it. Then I’m good. If something/someone is bad in my opinion, and I’m against it. I’m still good. If someday I think wearing hats is harmful to liberty as the hats ban the right of hair to see the sun, I will ban hats! So enjoy your time of wearing hats now.







Do we really need a email client?

The reason to have a email client is to send and receive all my emails from different. Besides, the storage of email is very limited in the old days. Usually using an client software can easy this problem but now this looks not a big issue. I will use Gmail as an example to demonstrate a web email is no worse than a desktop client.
1. How fast you can see your emails.
I have using MS outlook and ThunderBird. They both take some time to launch and need more time to check new emails. They will be fast once start up but if you are the person don’t like to keep them up all the time (like me), you will sometimes get crazy if you only want to check an existing email because the client takes 10 seconds to initialize. With the web mail, it only take 1 second to open the webpage and you will be able to see your Inbox. I almost cannot feel any delay when I’m using gmail. The interface is very simply and basic. The search function is also very quick sometime even faster than my desktop client.
2. See emails in one place.
This is the main advantage for an desktop client. But today such gmail and hotmail both support fetch/send email from other account (if support POP3). For example, you can see the hotmail emails in your gmail. And you can also send email from gmail with its sent address to be set to your hotmail address.
3. Sync your contact and calendar
Actually web clients are more friendly as they are synced by nature. Desktop client won't be able to do this unless connect to a server ( like exchange).
4. MS Exchange!!
Here we come to the main challenge. For some reason, MS exchange and outlook look like in a dominating position. This combination offers email, calendar and direction service(contacts) together. This was too powerful than the web mail in the past. But nowadays, calendar and contacts have become very common in a web mail. The main problem is no big company can suffer such a transfer because exchange is totally a different format.
Recently I have seen universities moving their student email system to big company services (I.E. hotmail, gmail). This is good for both universities and students. As universities don’t need to maintain the system and students can enjoy the modern interface(compare to the previous email system). But staff email system remain the same (exchange).
Maybe in the future, all mail will move to web based? 



前言: 不知哪个论坛出来的帖子。标题本身很有意思,网友的回复更是绝妙。需要了解中国国情和具备一些基本的游戏知识才能体会其中奥妙。

当年投胎选了hard模式,结果生在中国,还好没选very hard,不然生在朝鲜了... 



模式 埃塞俄比亚,苏丹,刚果,扎伊尔


模式真情提示:请先完成very hard再尝试




我卡在买房那关了 兄弟们有秘籍没啊~~~

你输入作弊码my father is ligang了没?



敢情我这辈子是加错技能树了?...这个版本 练我这个专业真是特么一杯具



弱弱的问一句,你们玩的是什么游戏? (淫才)









技能和天赋也是仁者见人,但是加入少先队”“加入共青团” “加入党三项被动技能,优先升满,不解释。


请问这是什么游戏? (又一个淫才)


有谁组队刷怪的!!! ZF大楼进去直接被秒啊!!!






搞笑,这么多人都信服务器扫档的事情,2012病毒就是一个概念操作,让你们这些平头小白玩家有个念想,其实你们过个三年还得苦逼地做日常,让那些爹是管 理员的都笑坏了,人家刷钱,一头坐骑300w没人管,压人,压完再捅没人抓,不行人家转到美服欧服,人家有钱你呢?你怎么广播里刷了一句"太王八蛋了" 给转入躲猫猫,喝凉水模式了?哈哈哈