此外,媒体大多批评运动员违反奥运精神。援引那个谁顾拜旦提倡奥运“重在参与”,“不是为了金牌”的话,这次羽毛球运动员就被贴上了道德有问题的标签。我想说,这些媒体就是双重标准。他们一说谁谁谁厉害,就是获得了多少金牌,多少奖牌,很少是因为谁谁多么参与。外国对比赛有句话:If you are not the first,you are the last。游泳的Phelps因为获得那么多奥运金牌牌而被称为“最伟大的奥运运动员”。
奥运比赛,口号喊得响,重在参与,最好世界各国都参与,得不得牌没关系。但看看实际情况,你只见奥运每个比赛每个项目都颁奖金银铜牌,却没有每个项目都颁奖什么“最佳参与”,“最佳拼搏" (当然,历史上也偶尔有特别奖。记住,是偶尔!)记得在悉尼奥运会上某项游泳预选赛上,一个选手差点游不完全程(因为他刚学游泳没多久,是在酒店游泳池练习的,因为国家不行)。结果,他只能被当成笑料上电视。怎么没见奥运会大力推荐他,以他为榜样宣传?人家可是全力参与啊,不会游泳都来了!可见,其实奥运根本就不是什么重在参与,而是重在奖牌。
2. 足球。多少世界大赛,每当小组赛两战全胜铁定出线后,球队就往往派替补出战第三场,让主力休息,来打好淘汰赛。俱乐部打欧冠,如果小组出线,他们就让二线队打剩下的小组赛。甚至还有为了打淘汰赛放弃一些联赛(上替补)。这样的比赛往往打得和沉闷和平庸,甚至会输球。确没听说哪个队因为这个被取消比赛资格,或者球迷要求退票。为什么这次比赛观众就不满了呢?
3. F1。假如某车队某站获得了1,2名的发车位置。那么战术基本就是,第一名全力跑快。第二名尽量放慢速度,压制后面的车,让第一名的自己队友能跑出更多的领先时间。另外,在比赛中,同一队的车手更具情况让车(提高某人积分)等各种车队战术,都是比赛的看点。为什么今天这个羽毛球根据比赛进程选择对手就是欺骗而不是战术选择了呢?
白岩松:规则漏洞不是道德问题 脑子进水才会拼
李永波采访 (在中国代表团放弃上诉后,李永波道歉称自己没搞透规则。我相信他不是没搞透比赛规则,而是其他国家对待中国羽毛球的态度的规则)。
再补充,刚看了New York Times的两篇文章,其实美国的态度也很公正的:
Olympic Ideal Takes Beating in Badminton,Losing Can Be a Winning Strategy。
Office Word: Update cross reference when using Mendeley
Usually, you only need to select all text (Ctrl+A), right click, and select "Update Fields" for the pop-out menu. But after I installed Mendeley (a reference tool, like Endnote) plug-in, this method could not work because the option of "Update Fields" went grey and you cannot choose it. I guess this is because the word does not know how to update those Mendeley references as they are using the same function of the built-in cross reference.
Recently, I found a trick from my friends to walk around this. All you need to do is select "Print" and the word will bring you the print preview page. Simply close the preview page and you will find all the cross reference have been updated automatically. I think the mechanism behind this is the word try to update all the reference fields before print and it just ignores those it cannot update (not like in the previous situation, it will prevent you to do so).
In a sum, this solution is:
Select "Print" -> Exit the print preview -> All the fields updated automatically.
[Collaboration Workshop 12] The future of scientific software developer (researcher developer) in academia
Collaboration Workshop 12, Oxford
During 21st and 22nd March, the Collaboration Workshop 12 was taking place at Queen’s College of Oxford University. The workshop mainly focused on the software development in academic projects and attracted more than fifteen researchers and developers. Thirty two topics were raised and discussed during the two day event and more than twenty lightning talks were presented.
Among these discussions and topics, I was enjoying the ones that were related to the collaboration between scientific researchers and software developers and a possible new specie for academic research projects - scientific software developer, who acts between the two or plays a dual role in the research.
Who / What is Scientific Software Developer
Alongside the rapid development of computer and computer technology, most of the recently scientific researches will be involved computer software or software development (In the workshop, someone(somewhere) mentioned 40% of research projects were linked to software but I forgot where I found it). We had topic about “Teaching programming to scientist” and “Successful collaboration with computer scientists”, which provided some nice suggestions. There are some natural limitation with above approaches. For example, the strength of a scientist lays on his/her research ability and if he/she starts to cars about programming he/she may lost focus. The computer scientists (it was changed to software developer for clarification during the discussion) usually cares about the quality of the software and cannot aware the research process.
So we need someone who can act the both roles and carry a software project toward success. Someone knows the natural of research and also is familiar with principles of software development.
Currently status of Scientific Software Developer
It is quite common that the researchers do the programming themselves and as we known this usually result in a poor, non-reusable, non-maintainable software.
EPSRC only invested £9 million per annum in software during the past five years. Comparing to the budget of £950M for the year 2012/2013, the software seems definitely ignored.
Similar role does exists but unfortunately there is a lack of identification and the person who does this job has usually not been recognised properly. Such person may be treated as a RA or RF, although he/she does a different job. There are some groups (Scientific Software Development and Management, Computational Science, and Computational Scientists and Engineers) in LinkedIn but we still lack a formal name for this whatever we called new specie.
Gorissen from University of Southampton mentioned they now started to have some posts specialised for scientific software developer. There is one from Imperial University who has similar job. But the we have not heard much of these from other universities. Henji from Microsoft also mentioned Microsoft Research (Cambridge) has “Research Software Development Engineers”, although it is no a academic position.
Where does Scientific Software Developer go?
The main problem with scientific software developer is not a proper name but the lack of career track and path. There isn’t any senior position for such a role. Eventually, you have to follow the route of Research Assistant –> (Research Fellow) –> Lecturer –> Senior Lecturer –> (Reader) –> Professor if you want to develop your career further. But as a scientific software developer you may lack of publications or project grants, which is essential in climbing the ladder in academic (If you decided opting to industry, they may consider you has no practical experience). So basically, you have wasted your time doing this role as it cannot provide your a strong portfolio.
Another problem is in a bid of academic research project, the labour of software developer is usually under-estimated. So there may not exist enough funding for another developer. And from the university point of view, having a pure scientific software developer not subject to any project is a waste and risk in finance, especially in the currently situation of government cutting findings.
What is the future of Scientific Software Developer?
Now, and in the near future, scientific software developer will still be a minority in academia. But things are getting better as Dan Emmerson from EPSRC introduced the Action Plan of “Software as an Infrastructure”. We will expect more funding and job posts in the coming years.
First, I would like to thanks all the attends in the workshop and give credit to those who have contributed in the discussion (without them, I cannot write such a topic).
Secondly, I would like to express my special thanks to DevCSI for sponsoring me.
Lastly, Thanks to all the organisers for their hard work and communications.
This blog does not represent the view of Collaboration Workshop 12. All the opinions are subject to the author.
Tutorial: Use FileStream on SQL server 2008
Enabling FILESTREAM In The Database, Enabling FILESTREAM on SQL Server 2008.
在这个新闻里,引用了一句话来表示温格坚持自己换人是正确的:"I've been a manager for 30 years and have made 50,000 substitutions. I do not have to justify every decision I make to you (the Press). I stand up for it." 翻译成中文就是:我当了30年的教练,换了5万次人。我不需要向你们(媒体)解释我为什么换人。我相信我的决定。
6万阿森纳死忠狂嘘温格 教授:嘘我?我换过5万次人!,espnstar,搜狐, goal.com。
温格1984年开始当主教练,到现在一共大概执教了1300多场比赛(按wikipedia是到2012.01.22一共有1317场)。一场比赛可以换3个人,一个最大就是1300×3=3900. 如果多算一些,算温格有1500场比赛,那就是4500次换人(如果外加什么友谊赛,换人不受限制的,算1万也不够5万啊)。
看网易的相关新闻:温格换人遭球迷狂嘘不认错 辩解称有5000次经验],就感觉比较实际了。但是5000次,远远没有5万次有震撼力啊。
"I've been a manager for 30 years and have made 50,000 substitutions. I do not have to justify every decision I make to you (the Press). I stand up for it."。
不管是温格口误还是编辑手误,这都应该是一个错误。不少外媒在转载时就把50000换成了many(很多),而且一般都是用“温格辩解自己如何换人”这类标题的。因此,可以感觉到,其他媒体也觉得这个50000不合理,所以没有突出或者干脆换成很多次。反观国内,”五万次换人“成了绝好的新闻标题,特别是球场观众才6万人。估计再下次,标题该改成“6万阿森纳死忠狂嘘温格 教授:嘘我?我能换6万次人!”.
Big mistake: Wenger have made 50,000 substitutions?
The full news can be seen as SKY Sports:
The quote is:
"I've been a manager for 30 years and have made 50,000 substitutions. I do not have to justify every decision I make to you (the Press). I stand up for it."
According to Wikipedia, up to 22 January 2012, Wenger has managed 1317 games (since 1984). The maximum substitutions he can make is 1317 * 3 = 3951.The statistic may not be accurate. But even if we assume he managed 2000 games, he can only made 6000 substitutions. There is no near 50000!
As I cannot find the interview video contains such conversation, so I don't know whether this came from Wenger or just the editor put the wrong figure.
In both case, the one with a brain should sense there is something wrong with such 50000! But ironically, such sentence has been quoted on many other website (include bbc).
2012 is not gonna to be a normal year - January So far
So far, many things happened as you would like to believe they are stories:
- You may think "Titanic" is an old story only happened in the old days. Costa Concordia tells you that history is copyable, no matter how advance the technology is.
- It had been like an overlord, but even like Kodak cannot stand the change of time.
- The United State is said to be a land of liberty, but it seams SOPA and PIPA doesn't agree. So we had a first ever Internet Strike.